Meaning of Eimear

Meaning and details about name Eimear

The baby name Eimear means Connected to Irish Mythology. Said to be the Daughter of Forgall Manach, Cu Chulainn sought her hand in marraige but was rejected by both her and her father. Cu Chulainn killed her father and abducted Eimear. She was said to possess the six gifts of woman hood. Beauty, Chastity, Sweet Speech, Needle work, Voice and Wisdom. Eimear has a length of 6 characters and numerology value is 18.


Connected to Irish Mythology. Said to be the Daughter of Forgall Manach, Cu Chulainn sought her hand in marraige but was rejected by both her and her father. Cu Chulainn killed her father and abducted Eimear. She was said to possess the six gifts of woman hood. Beauty, Chastity, Sweet Speech, Needle work, Voice and Wisdom


6 Characters (2 Consonants,4 Vowels)

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