Numerology is number sum for names. Below is the list of characters and numbers assigned to them. To calculate Number Value for a name add up Name Value of every character.
Numerology – Of the metaphysical sciences – Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry and other spiritually relevant studies – Numerology is the least known or understood, yet the most accessible. In looking to the answers to questions numerology generates, you can find your self and your path.
Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan.You need the birth date of an individual and the complete name as inputs to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold. There are nine numbers used in constructing numerology charts. These numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.Each alphabetical letter has been assigned a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration.
Thus larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in the complete birth date or from the values assigned to each name, are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of the core numbers. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations.These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. These numbers had made nameology which specialises in names (baby names, domain names, individual names, business names, etc..)
Millions had used our Nameology, Baby Name service to name their Just born / Child and to name their Dotcom, Business, etc. Click at baby name or Nameology to have the right name which leads to sucess in all aspects of life..
Numerological principles:
Those with a belief in numerology choose a name in such a way that the total numerological value of the name is synchronous with the birth number (the date of birth number, e.g., 21st will be reduced to 3, etc.) or the fate number (the total numerological value of the date for e.g. 1-10-2002 will reduce to 6). There are exhaustive numerological rules that govern the auspicious and inauspicious results bestowed by names of different numerological values to persons born on different dates.
In general name should match with your lucky number.
Letter | Value |
A | 1 |
B | 2 |
C | 3 |
D | 4 |
E | 5 |
F | 8 |
G | 3 |
H | 5 |
I | 1 |
J | 1 |
K | 2 |
L | 3 |
M | 4 |
N | 5 |
O | 7 |
P | 8 |
Q | 1 |
R | 2 |
S | 3 |
T | 4 |
U | 6 |
V | 6 |
W | 6 |
X | 5 |
Y | 1 |
Z | 7 |
How to calculate?
Let us take a name Ajay.
For this name, there are 4 letters A-J-A-Y.
Taking each letter individually
Total =1+1+1+1 =4
So, numerology value is 4 for Ajay.
Taking another example name say, Anchal.
For this name, there are 5 letters A-N-C-H-A-L.
Taking each letter individually
Total =1+5+3+5+1+3 =18
Now, adding 1+8 (from 18) =9.
So, numerology value is 9 for Anchal.
Choosing an Indian Baby Names based on Numerology?
Numerology can play an important role in personal destiny. Why not use the power of numbers and letters to start your child off right? You can choose a baby name that reflects a combination of positive traits by studying this ancient science based on numbers and their meanings. Name numerology can also help you as a parent to make wise choices for your baby’s success and well-being.
How BoyGirlBabyNames play role in naming your baby
In keeping all the above factors in mind, have collected traditional baby names, modern baby names with numerical values in different Indian origins like Indian baby names, Hindu baby names, Tamil baby names, Muslim baby names, Christian baby names Jain and Sikh baby names.