Numerology Numbers and their Meanings

Numerology is a Self-Evaluation and Self-Improvement science that is designed to help you in your everyday living in all areas of your life. Any area of your life can be analysed and improved with numerology. People find the most important areas in which they want help in are love, money, health and happiness. By examining numerological compatibility between two people with a numerology reading we can determine how compatible they are in terms of their personality, their abilities and their values. Name numbers according to Indian Numerology are the most important in relationships with people, because the sound effects of your name produce certain patterns and expectations. The first name is more important in close relationships, while the full name is more important for official papers and wherever used. Sometimes it may be advisable to change ones name or nickname for better combination with psyche and destiny numbers.
Numerology is number sum for names. Below is the list of characters and numbers assigned to them. To calculate Number Value for a name add up Name Value of every character.
One is the number that comes after zero and precedes two. It is the sign that symbolizes the male phallus and also means being one with God. It refers to God the father and upholds the supremacy of masculine power. It is also considered as the ultimate symbol of the essence of unity and the beginning of the cycle of life. It is the total of all possibilities and the core of all being. It is the number that eliminates duality and it is believed that all the diversities converge in the number one. It is also seen as the perfect completion and according to some religious orders like Hebrew it is the seat of latent intelligence and The Most High and is deemed equivalent to Adonai. It is considered as the absolute number according to the Islamic faith and Pythagoreans believe that it is the source of all things. Chinese uphold the essential masculinity of the number one. It is believed to be Yang, the celestial and auspicious power.
Two the Goddess of duality and naturally the opposite of one, which means if one means masculine, two necessarily means feminine. It is at one side considered to be the symbol of multiplicity, alteration and conflict and on the other hand it exemplifies balance and stability. Two symbolizes the opposite of unity and whatever is temporary and destructible. There are some negative tendencies with people who have two as their number, they are not ambitious and feel insecure and restless at times. There are some good attributes as well like they are good at comforting others and are cooperative and good-natured. Christians believed that Christ had this duality in himself one part of him was divine and the other was human as all of us. According to Hindu beliefs, two represents the duality of power and Hebrews believe that is symbolizes life force. Unlike one that represents the powerful part of Yin yang, two represents the weaker part, which is the Ying.
Three represents the Trinity, the three stages of universe, the three stages of life, in nutshell the three phases of being which encompass growth, climax and death. The number exemplifies the movement towards growth, energy, duality and manifestation and synthesis. It has the whole of the process that occurs in the universe. The triple elements of body, soul and spirit; earth, heaven and hell and birth, life and death are all symbolized by the number three. The characteristic traits are that the people having this number are charming, self-expressive, extrovert and active. Their natural desires are associated with money and opposite sex. Three also has a strong connection with the supernatural like the three witches and three wishes by the genie. In the Buddhist traditions there are three jewels of belief or Tri-ratna that he asked his disciples to follow. According to the Chinese mythology three is an auspicious number that has positive powers. Taoists believe that three is the center point of equilibrium.
Four succeeds three and precedes five is considered to be the foundation of all solid objects. It represents the fourth dimension, which is time. It is seen as the symbol of construction. It is stable as opposed to restlessness, circularity and dynamism. It exemplifies totality, completion and solidity. The people whose numerological number is four are sensible, calm and steady. Four represents the four cardinal elements, which are Earth, Water, Fire and Air. There are four directions to space, which are North, South, East and West. Paradise had four rivers. In Greek culture, four is the sacred number of Hermes. Jews believe that four is the number of beneficence and intelligence. Four also represents the four worlds of Kabbalah, for them it is memory. For Hindus four represents perfection and Brahma, one of the trinity in Hinduism is also four-faced. Taoists also believe in the presence of four celestial guardians who hold the pagoda, the swords and the spiked club. Teutonic people believed that there are four dwarfs who support the world. In Islam there are four principles, which are the essence of universe, one the creator, the Universal Spirit, the Universal Soul and the Primordial matter. There are many positive attributes as stated above but there are some negative attributes as well like four makes people slow, violent, suspicious and very conservative.
By five we perceive the five senses and the pentagram and the five wounds of Jesus or the Lotus which also has five petals. Five implies something new, the unexplored and the changeable. It symbolizes the human microcosm. Many times the pentagon symbolizes the human beings as they are with two hands and two feet. The pentagon also symbolizes the meeting of heaven, earth, the four cardinal points and the center point. It also represents Godhead, the Creator of Universe. It also symbolizes meditation, religion and versatility. It is also the symbol of male sexuality, which feels attracted towards everything but is not held by anything. It is impulsive, bold and impatient. The characteristic traits of people with number five are that they are very curious to know things that are unexplored and are very outgoing. They are versatile and resourceful. They can manipulate rules and laws and achieve what they want to but at times this leads to them becoming jack of all trades but master of none. In Christian theology five symbolizes humans after their fall in the Garden of Eden. In Graeco-Roman culture five is the number of love and union. This number signifies Venus. In Hindu mythology the five makes the essential combinations and five also stands for severity, strength and fear. Islam believes in the five pillars which are the five basic dogmas and Muslims pray five times a day.
Six is considered as the perfect number and it is the number associated with the Star of David and Marriage. Six also represents harmony, stability and balance. God took six days to complete the creation of the universe. Six also stands for luck, health, beauty and chance. The dice has six facets and the highest number is six. The solar wheel that is popular in Hindu mythology also has six rays. People with number six have very positive environment around them as they maintain equilibrium in their relationships and thus enjoy peace. They respect values and enjoy the beautiful things in the world. According to Kabbalism six means beauty and creation. Christians also believe that the number is the symbol of completion and creation as God created man on the sixth day. Six apart from the brighter qualities also have darker attributes, which are being obstinate, illogical, narrow-minded and suffering from hyper anxiety.
Seven brings in mind the seventh day, the day of rest and worship, the day to remember the virtues of God and to thank him for all the gifts that he had bestowed upon us. There are various such references like there are seven sacraments, seven virtues, seven sins and seven gifts of spirit. Ther4e are seven branches to the tree of life and seven leaves on every branch. The seventh ray of the sun is the path that the humans take after death to reach heaven. In Buddhism seven is the number of ascent and there are seven stages that one can take to transcend temporality. In Egyptian mythology also seven is quite a significant number like there are seven priestesses of Fate and there are seven wise men. There are six cows and a bull that symbolize fertility. Seven is also related to moon, which makes it symbol of reflection. In Graeco-Roman culture Apollo’s musical instrument has seven strings and Pan had seven pipes. In Hebrew culture seven implies occult intelligence and there are seven holy days in the Jewish calendar. In Islam there are seven heavens, seven colors and seven earth and seas. People who have seven as their number are spiritual and philosophical but they are loners and try to keep aloof. They are private people and live in their own worlds. They are sensitive but not openly.
Eight is the symbol of resurrection, the regaining of Paradise. It upholds the solidarity and stability as first cube and also represents perfection in its root structure. It designates Eternity, Infinity and immortality. It resembles the pair of opposites wherein the transformation has begun already. An octagon is the first step of a square towards becoming a circle. For some it also means a rhythmic cycle whereas others believe that it takes man to a higher level, a point of supreme knowledge from where there is no return. After seven days of fasting and austere penance man reaches the phase of satiety and contentment on the eighth day. Buddhists believe that eight implies completion and Chinese people believe that eight means “whole”. For Christians eight is the number of regeneration and rebirth. Islam believes that eight are the angels who hold the reins of heaven and earth. Japanese believe that eight is the number of plenty and abundance. Plato said that there are eight spheres of various colors that surround the pillars of heaven. People who have number eight are ambitious for power, money and success which at times might lead to sudden success or failure. At times the thirst for power makes them selfish and self-centered.
Nine is also seen as the number of perfection and totality. It is the period that is taken to bring a new human being on Earth. It also refers to the triple triad of completion, fulfillment and attainment. This number like 3 also has supernatural significance. It helps to complete the whole series of numbers, which starts with zero. It can also be taken as the symbol of male grouped with fire, mountain and female grouped with feminine things like water and cave. According to Hebrew beliefs nine is also the symbol of intelligence, which is pure and not occult. In Kabbalism it is believed that nine is the foundation. According to Hindu mythology nine is the number of fire, which is “agni”. Characteristic traits of number nine are a strong desire to serve the fellow human beings and a fighter for social causes. People who have number nine are lovers of beautiful things and are generous as well but then they are also egotistical and quick tempered. They have to be dealt with a little sensitively since they are hurt easily and they also lack emotional stability.