Numerology Personality

Numerology is a Self-Evaluation and Self-Improvement science that is designed to help you in your everyday living in all areas of your life. Any area of your life can be analysed and improved with numerology. People find the most important areas in which they want help in are love, money, health and happiness. By examining numerological compatibility between two people with a numerology reading we can determine how compatible they are in terms of their personality, their abilities and their values. Name numbers according to Indian Numerology are the most important in relationships with people, because the sound effects of your name produce certain patterns and expectations. The first name is more important in close relationships, while the full name is more important for official papers and wherever used. Sometimes it may be advisable to change ones name or nickname for better combination with psyche and destiny numbers.
Numerology is number sum for names. Below is the list of characters and numbers assigned to them. To calculate Number Value for a name add up Name Value of every character.
If your personality number is 1, then you’re considered to be a leader or master. You have a glow which is filled with energy. In your life, you have always admired courage and the effort required to face any and all difficulties in life. People around you can feel this strong energy and know that you can’t be taken for a ride. Your appearance matters to you as well. Wearing dignified clothes and making sure of every minute details is essential to you. You have tons of creative ideas and aren’t shy to go after them. Taking control, making assertive decisions; that’s what makes you strong and keeps you going. Sometimes, these qualities can make others look at you as if you’re arrogant, hostile, or even aggressive.
If your personality number is 2, then you’re considered to be a friendly person. You are not pretentious; instead, you’re kind, softhearted, and warm towards people. People around you look at you for gentle and safe shelter. They get attracted to you because of these qualities; they feel safe around you. You are patient in most of the situations, can understand and see things practically and rationally, and are always open to hear both sides. But the biggest qualities you have is the fact that people around you feel important and loved; which is very rare. Even though these qualities of yours may get you praises from everyone, but as a child, the story was a bit different. You had to face a lot of negative criticism and those incidents have made you a shy person.
If your personality number is 3, then you’re considered to be an attractive person. Women with #3 personality are gorgeous, whereas men are handsome. You are full of life, you can inspire and charm people instantly, and your overall mood is always uplifting. You like to have tons of fun, meet new people, and love to be the life of the party. Your love for fine dining, clothing, and jewelry precedes you; and your looks can attract the opposite sex in no time. Even though you like to be affectionate and giving to others (in a relationship), it doesn’t take you time to fall in and out of love. That’s one thing you need to work on; making the most out of something and trying your best in perusing a long, committed relationships.
If your personality number is 4, then you’re considered to be a reliable person. Due to your consistency and reliability, people around you have always trusted in you. They are reassured by any kind of judgment or decision you make. But the most important element in your life is your work. Your performance, hard work, dedication, and sincerity, everything should be taken into consideration while making a judgment about you. For you, family life is also important as it provides for the intimate, consistent, and secure settings to move forward. You have always been someone who knows and respects the value of money and are worried about the future.
If your personality number is 5, then you’re considered to be an exhilarating person. You have exciting and innovative ideas that can make any gatherings lively. You have charisma and have a way with words. You like to live a life which is free from all daily responsibilities. People around you see you as someone who wants to get spiritual answers and guidance. You have an ability to make friends in an instant because people are drawn to you for your qualities. In life, you don’t mind taking short cuts and finding the easier path; some look at this as a good things, but others may get annoyed by it.
If your personality number is 6, then you’re considered to be a well-balanced person. You like that people look at you as a tireless worker and an ethical individual. You are warm and fair towards people, and that’s why they are attracted to you. People who need to be comforted and taken care of, are the ones that come to you. Your generosity and ability to know what’s right/fair makes you a good person. You love music and romance, are trustworthy, protective, and generous. But your generosity can be an issue for you. Financially, you are not very practical and can become vulnerable to people’s criticism. You get tensed fairly quickly and that can lead towards health problems.
If your personality number is 7, then you’re considered to be an individualist. You are different from others; you are like a mystery, an enigma. People think of you to be some serious person who’s independent and content with yourself. You are perceived as a religious individual who has his/her ideologies about what life is all about. You are warm and compassionate, but that’s not why people notice you. The reason that you’re so difficult to understand is what makes people come after you. However, your arrogance towards “knowing everything” attitude can actually push people away though. You wish to talk on subjects that are interesting and you love to learn new things.
If your personality number is 8, then you’re considered to be a strong person. You are powerful, enthusiastic, and competent; these qualities influences and intimidates people around you. Confidence is your key towards life and that makes people hold back. You like to dress nicely and be able to show you power to others. You like to work hard, are spontaneous at times, and get excited about little things. You are a happy person and want others around you to be so. Although sometimes you tend to become remorseless and greedy.
If your personality number is 9, then you’re considered to be a charismatic person. Your elegance, charm, and grace is what attracts everyone. A lot of people admire you as a person and are jealous of the same. You are kind to others, sympathize with everyone, help everyone in need, and show your compassion well. Your sensitive and emotional nature makes you someone to trust. Your taste in clothes, food, dressing, and almost everything around you is remarkable. However, many a time, you tend to distant from others, making them annoyed at you.