Birth Month Traits


Flowers Carnation or Snowdrop.
Stone Garnet, Emerald and Rose Quartz.
Zodiac Sign Capricorn (Jan 1-19) and Aquarius (Jan 20-31)
Compatible Months April, May, October, March and November.
Traits January born people generally are wise, systematic and neat. They are ambitious people, who are loyal and rigid by nature. They love kids and are quite family-focused. These people are usually hardworking and sensitive. January people are generally reserved and highly attentive in life. Most times, they are soft and sober unless provoked. They are not too susceptible to diseases, but are cold-prone.
Love Life They are romantic people, but somehow find it difficult to express their feelings. They tend to get jealous quite easily.
Career They are always looking for errors and weaknesses of the people around, and also like to criticize. They enjoy teaching and learning new things with people. They are good for professions like inventors, aviators, designers, and musicians.
Pouplar People Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Orlando Bloom, David Bowie, Paul Newman, Heather Graham and many more.


Flowers Violet or Primrose
Stone Amethyst, Bloodstone, Onyx, Moonstone
Zodiac Sign Aquarius (Feb 1-18) and Pisces (Feb 19-29)
Compatible Months April, May, June, October and December
Traits February born people are primarily quiet, timid and modest. They are superstitious people, who are quite loyal and honest by nature. They love their freedom and tend to rebel out when restricted. These people are usually determined, stubborn and moody. February people are generally sensitive and get easily upset over minor arguments. They often find it difficult to control their emotions, especially anger. They are generally, very poor savers of money.
Love Life They are romantic people at heart, but carry a differing exterior attitude. They love and enjoy making new friends, but never boast about it.
Career They are quite intelligent and sharp-minded. They have an altering personality which helps them adapt with different people. They are very focused on their goals. They are good for professions like artists, physical therapists, veterinarians, and psychologists.
Pouplar People Axl Rose, Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Rihanna and many more


Flowers Jonquil or Daffodil
Stone Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Jade and Rock Crystal.
Zodiac Sign Pisces (Mar 1-20) and Aries (Mar 21-31)
Compatible Months May, June, July, November and January.
Traits March born people generally have a beautiful and charming personality. They are generous people, who are fair and kind by nature. These people are usually friendly, helpful and warm by nature. They love to dream, and enjoy traveling. They are trustworthy, but revengeful people. They love all the attention they can seek, and are quite secretive and shy.
Love Life March born people are peaceful and serene in their relationships, but often take quick and hasty decisions while choosing a life partner. They are usually loyal and honest in their relationships.
Career They are very good observers and analysts, who are ever kind to the people around them. They are good for professions like entrepreneurs, soldiers and rescue workers. Also, they can be good in the fields of politics and television.
Pouplar People March birthdays: Bruce Willis, Eva Mendes, Elton John, Quetin Tarantino, Eric Clapton and many more.


Flowers Sweet Pea or Daisy
Stone Diamond, Opal, Quartz, White Sapphire.
Zodiac Sign Aries (Apr 1-19) and Taurus (Apr 20-30)
Compatible Months December, January, February, June and July
Traits April born people are charming, dynamic and caring. They are adventurous people, who are emotional and brave by nature. They love to seek attention and are always active and hasty. These people are usually generous and sophisticated. April people are generally friendly and helpful in life. They may usually suffer from certain head and chest related illnesses at later stages in life.
Love Life They are loving people, who are good at relationships. April born people tend to get jealous quite easily.
Career They are always motivating others, which makes them an excellent team player. Their diplomatic nature also helps them in the professional run. They are good for professions like accountants, engineers, lawyers, and chefs.
Pouplar People Russel Crowe, Jackie Chan, Uma Thurman, Penolope Cruz, Al Pacino and many more.


Flowers Lily of the Valley or Hawthorne.
Stone Emerald, Sapphire, Agate, Chrysoprase, Beryl.
Zodiac Sign Taurus (May 1-20) and Gemini (May 21-31)
Compatible Months July, August, September, January and February.
Traits May born people are self-motivated, hardworking and short-tempered. They are beautiful people, both inside and outside. They love to travel and are always restless and high-spirited. These people usually posses good imagination and have a strong extra-sensory perception. May people generally have a firm stand and sharp thoughts. They may usually suffer with certain ear and neck related illness in later stages in life. They often have a weak respiratory system.
Love Life They are strong hearted people, with deep and true feelings. They are understanding and easily consolable in their relationships.
Career They posses sound debating skills and are systematic at work. Their stubborn nature often helps them in the professional run. They are good for professions like stockbrokers, architects, and social workers. They also enjoy arts and literature.
Pouplar People David Beckham, George Clooney, Naomi Campbell, Clint Eastwood, Enrique and many others.


Flowers Rose
Stone Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite, Agate, Opal.
Zodiac Sign Gemini (June 1-21) and Cancer (June 22-30)
Compatible Months August, September, October, February and March
Traits June born people are visionary, polite and talkative. They are funny people, with a good sense of humor. They are sensitive and tend to get hurt easily. They are fussy, moody and friendly by nature. These people usually posses a strong character and discreet emotions. June people, in general, love to dress up and daydream. They usually are quite susceptible to colds
Love Life They are soft-at-heart people, and when hurt emotionally, take time to recover. They usually tend to like people, who hate them.
Career They posses sound debating skills and a lot of ideas. They often tend to delay their projects. They are good for professions like gardeners, social workers, caretakers and human resources.
Pouplar People Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, John Cusack, Heidi Klum and many more.


Flowers Delphinium, Larkspur or Water Lily.
Stone Ruby and Carnelian.
Zodiac Sign Cancer (July 1-22) and Leo (July 23-31)
Compatible Months September, October, November, March and April.
Traits July born people are fun, honest and sarcastically humorous. They are temperamental and very emotional people, who tend to get hurt easily. Most times, they tend to be quiet and secretive. They are quite proud of themselves and are often respected by people. These people usually posses a strong sense of sympathy. July people, in general, are sappy but not revengeful. They are good at studies and are academically successful. They tend to enjoy their lonely times, and have a forgiving nature. They are quite prone to stomach related sickness.
Love Life They are caring people, but when hurt emotionally, take time to recover. They usually tend to love people, who love them.
Career They are good observers and can judge people quite well. They are hardworking, concerned and sharp at work. They are good for professions like CEOs, stage performers, tour guides, estate agents, and interior designers.
Pouplar People Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks, Jennifer Lopez, Wesley Snipes, Lisa Kudrow and many more.


Flowers Gladiolus or Poppy
Stone Sardonyx, Peridot, Diamond, Jade and Sapphire.
Zodiac Sign Leo (August 1-22) and Virgo (August 23-31)
Compatible Months December, April, May, June and October.
Traits August born people are funny, courageous and charming. They are stubborn people, with good leadership skills. They are ever ready for praises and carry a very high spirit in life. They tend to get furious quite easily, but only when provoked. They are quite proud of themselves and are often respected by people. They love making new friends and are pretty good at it. August people, in general, are big-hearted and self-centered. They usually have a poor immune system, which makes them quite prone to illness.
Love Life They are romantic people and care for their partners. They usually tend to get jealous quite easily.
Career They are good observers and love to lead. They are always in a rush to get their work done. They are also quite talented in the fields of music and arts. They are good for professions like writers, teachers, critics, translators, and statisticians.
Pouplar People Sean Penn, Halle Berry, Edward Norton, Madonna, Sean Connery and many more.


Flowers Aster or Morning Glory.
Stone Sapphire, Agate, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond, Chrysolite.
Zodiac Sign Virgo (September 1-22) and Libra (September 23-30)
Compatible Months January, May, June, July and November.
Traits September born people are sophisticated, organized and adaptable. They are brainy people, with a constant thirst for new information. They are often self-motivated, kind and considerate. They are sensitive by nature, but always stay cool and calm in critical situations. They like to criticize people and are always ready to point out errors. They are dependable, true and faithful. September people, in general, are cautious by nature.
Love Life They are romantic people, but are quite choosy in selecting partners. They do not show much emotions and tend to stuff in feelings within self.
Career They are work efficient and work out on every details of their job. They are good thinkers and systematic in work. They are good for professions like diplomats, dancers, anchors, negotiators, travel agents, and supervisors.
Pouplar People Salma Hayek, Guy Ritchie, Avril Lavigne, Will Smith, Lance Armstong and many more.


Flowers Marigold, Calendula, or Cosmos.
Stone Opal, Tourmaline, Jasper, Zircon, Aquamarine.
Zodiac Sign Libra (October 1-23) and Scorpio (October 24-31)
Compatible Months June, July, August, December and January.
Traits October born people are sophisticated, charming and selfish. They posses a strong sense of perception and are quite brainy. They are often self-motivated, kind and generous. They are beautiful looking people, with an equally nice heart. Their friends are quite important to them. They love to chat and never try to fake anything. They are emotional and are easily hurt, but they recover pretty soon too. October people, in general, are impartial, carefree, polite and dreamers by nature.
Love Life They are romantic people, but are quite jealous in their love life.
Career They are always with an opinion. They are creative and critical at work. They never tend to help unless asked for. They are good for professions like detectives, lawyers, educators, scientists, surgeons, and physicians.
Pouplar People Eminem, Julia Roberts, Kate winslet, John Lennon, Matt Damon and many more.


Flowers Chrysanthemum.
Stone Citrine, Yellow Topaz, Pearl, Topaz, and Diamond.
Zodiac Sign Scorpio (November 1-21) and Sagittarius (November 22-30)
Compatible Months January, February, March, August and September.
Traits November born people are clever, dynamic and courageous. They are sharp thinkers and always have unique ideas. They are often patient, determined and true fighters in life. They are good at digging out secrets from others, but are themselves pretty secretive. They are cool, rigid and focused by nature. They tend to enjoy their own company. They never care for appreciation and praises. They are forward thinkers but are difficult people to understand. November people, in general, are different, kind, and good-spirited by nature. They are physically pretty strong.
Love Life They are romantic people, with core feelings for their partner. They are usually quite uncertain in their relationships.
Career They are always with loads of ideas. They are very careful and hard workers. Their motivating nature often helps them grow in their professional life. They are good at professions like trainers, editors, public relations, and any traveling related profession.
Pouplar People Anne Hathway, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jimi Hendrix, Meg Ryan, Owen Wilson and many others.


Flowers Daffodil, Narcissus, or Holly.
Stone Blue Topaz, Turquoise, Zircon, Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Ruby.
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius (December 1-21) and Capricorn (December 22-31)
Compatible Months February, March, April, August and September.
Traits December born people are highly influential, loyal and hot-headed. They are humorous and love to joke around. They are often modest, fun and big-hearted. They are trustable but quite impatient in life. They love to go out and interact with people. They also tend to love any praises or attention they receive. They are proud and confident individuals. They never pretend or lie about any subject. December people, in general, are patriotic and sporty.
Love Life They are lovable and fun in relationships. They are quite loyal to their partners.
Career They are very influential and ambitious people, which helps them to make a mark in the professional life. They are logical thinkers and tend to come up with an optimum solutions and methods at work. They are good for professions like managers, administrators, editors, bankers.
Pouplar People Brad Pitt, Jared Leto, Jay-Z, Ricky Martin, Kim Basinger and many more.