Birthday Tree

If you are wondering what is your Birthday tree and what does it tell or rather reflect about you, then you shall learn that quite soon. A Birthday tree, is a tree that holds a certain historic and cultural significance, and which has been assigned to a certain range of days, spread throughout the whole … Read more

Birthday Color

A Birthday Color of every individual is defined by their date of birth. A Birthday color tends to speak about the general and characteristic personality features of the people, belonging to that specific Birthday color. See under which Birthday Color does your date of Birth fall, and learn what the color reflects about you. You … Read more

Chinese Birth Calendar

An ancient Chinese secret: This chart can be used to predict the sex of your unborn child. It has been said to be 99% accurate. The chart was buried in a tomb near Beijing for 700 years and now can be viewed at the Institute of Science in Beijing. To predict what sex your baby … Read more

Chinese Zodiac

name about characterstics characterstics occupations some People Rat Rats are imaginative, charming, and truly generous to the ones they love. However, Rats have a tendency to be quick- tempered and overly critical. At ease with company and groups of people, their intelligence and observation allows them to quickly grasp a situation from multiple perspectives. Rats … Read more

Chinese Zodiac Calendar

date from date to animal element 1924-02-05 1925-01-23 Rat Yang Wood 1925-01-24 1926-02-12 Ox Yin Wood 1926-02-13 1927-02-01 Tiger Yang Fire 1927-02-02 1928-01-22 Rabbit Yin Fire 1928-01-23 1929-02-09 Dragon Yang Earth 1929-02-10 1930-01-29 Snake Yin Earth 1930-01-30 1931-02-16 Horse Yang Metal 1931-02-17 1932-02-05 Goat Yin Metal 1932-02-06 1933-01-25 Monkey Yang Water 1933-01-26 1934-02-13 Rooster Yin … Read more

Know Yourself

Your traits, your future, your past, your characteristics form from your birthdate, month and year. Know what is your color, animal and tree. Know your characteristics from your Blood, Numerology, Birth Month and more. Go through following to know more about yourself, your friends, your girl friend or boyfriend. Numerology Calculator know all in 1 … Read more